Thursday, March 17, 2011

IMAGINATION - A leader's guide to newness

It is impossible to over stress the fact that in leadership, people follow the extra in your ordinary. People tend to keep following you as long as there is always something new you have to offer, once you decide to become obsolete and worn out, people will begin to drift away from you and bit by bit, you begin to lose it as a leader. You are failing! (There’s no better way to express it)
One of the greatest tools at the disposal of every man (leaders and followers alike) is the ability to widen your perspective with your mind by accessing your imagination skills. I believe Imagination is simply “painting in your mind a desired future/outcome”. It is a skill that is available in everyone. If you can try to flash back on your early years, you will discover that you made a great demand on this particular skill set regularly, but it’s interesting to note that as you are growing older, you begin to lose track of this skill, and believe more in the things that are happening around you, thereby being engulfed about the challenges and cares of this world.
If only leaders can revisit this skill set and learn to use it again!
When a leader learns to use his imaginative skill, he will discover that new strategies will be birthed and greatness achieved. What imagination does is that it opens you up to a realm of possibilities and if you care enough to hang in for minutes (maybe hours) you will begin to see ways by which you can attain what you are conceiving. Once you can linger on these thoughts for some days (or months, years), your whole consciousness will be about birthing what only you have been seeing.
So the cycle is: Imagination – thoughts – ideas – implementation.
As a leader, you constantly need to see things other people cannot see. You need to always be ahead the people you lead. Whilst you cannot afford to be too far away from them, you also need to be ahead of them in thoughts, because leadership is all about making people see what only you can see, communicating the vision to them, and helping them attain a level of security about your communicated picture. But there’s no way you can make them see it if the picture is not real in you. It’s called ‘creative thinking’

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