Thursday, December 5, 2013

MADIBA: Who "were" You To Yourself??

Hmmm...where do we start from?

I wonder how wild the thoughts in his head always run;
how in slavery and chains, he became familiar with the sun;
having rugged faith that someday things will change.

I wonder how he kept going on even when he lost a son
At what point did he take this fight personal?
At what point in this struggle was his whole life defined?
He saw a future, but the obstacles were much!

I can imagine that there would be points when those closest to him will BEG him to quit;
But He kept at it...
27 years in Prison for believing in equality?

He was a LIVING Martyr;
who died the day he was first cheated;
who never enjoyed his he didn't
He fought for generations he will never meet;
He inspired people he will never know;
He loved as Christ loves
He was an example of love...

But really, I'm not concerned about that!!!
I'm more concerned about WHO HE WAS WHEN HE WAS ALONE
Those cold nights when no one was there to comfort him,
I'm more concerned about the man who got heart-broken when he should've found comfort;
I wonder what runs through his mind each time he sees people celebrate him

They say your name is a reflection of who you are;
He was named "Rolihlahla" - A trouble Maker
before his teachers changed his name to "Nelson"...hmmm
And he came to terms with this name.

An embodiment of tenacity and wahala (trouble maker)
from a convicted "terrorist" to a CELEBRATED REVOLUTIONARY;
You lived an amazing life!!!
Sleep like a baby in God's arms, ne'er to awake in this world;
Go and finally enjoy the rest you deserve!!

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